1) April 8 - 9 Catskill, NY
2) April 29 - 30 NYC
1 Skype opening for long distance participant
Morphic Awakening 1 provides tools for you to transform yourself and others with this cutting-edge consciousness technique. You will learn to tap into higher frequency information fields to create instant physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shifts. And it is as easy as child’s play!
With new quantum tools, you can do the following:
Access Pure Consciousness Activate & Repair DNA
Reprogram Subconscious for Infinite Potential
Regenerate Organs Access Powers of Consciousness
Activate Self Healing Mechanisms
Dates: May 8, 15, 22, 29 June 5, 12
Registration: $395
Early Registration by March 30: $350
In this teleseminar, Sirriya will use Morphic Awakening, Yuen Method and Regeneration Healing to transform you into your ageless self. In addition, Sirriya will energetically clear the group on a daily basis.
We will focus on the following:
Reprogram Organs & Cells for Optimal Functioning
Face Lifts & Body Reshaping Pain Elimination
Delete Emotional & Mental Aging Patterns
Clear Financial and Relationship Limitations
Using Your Essential lPower to Birth Your Dreams
Date: March 5 & 6. Carbondale, IL.
Unconditional is a 2 day workshop for clearing heart interference patterns from judgment, victimization, projections, expectations, and mental and emotional patterns, enabling you to be the love that you are.